As self-employed consultant mainly hired on a project basis both in the Netherlands and abroad. Amongst others by Worldwaternet, RSI, RVO, FINISH Mondial, VEIWSUP, RoyalHaskoningDHVGGGI, KfW (through Sweco), Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EU, Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP), Netherlands Embassy in Cotonou (Benin), Brabant Water Utility (Den Bosch, the Netherlands), UNICEF, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the WASH Alliance International, Water Authority Zuiderzeeland (Lelystad) and the Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII) through MMD
As member of WASTE COOP, I managed programmes on emergency sanitation:  (S(P)EEDKITS/EU, OFDA/USAID, Humanitarian Innovation Fund and projects in Malawi on Sanitation Service Level Agreements (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and DFID). 
In 2010 I managed the processes of the Dutch WASH Alliance and from 2005-2010 I was employed as water manager / technical leader at MWH Northern Europe (now Stantec, previously Syncera) and initiated projects in Indonesia and Surinam.
From 2001 to 2005 I was programme Adviser at SenterNovem, now RVO, the Netherlands Agency for Innovation, Energy and Environment, in charge of programmes to promote sustainable development at municipality level, reuse of dredging sludge materials and sustainable water management for water authorities and municipalities. Previously I was Head of the Planning Department of the Water Supply Utility "Noord-West-Brabant" (WNWB), Consulting Engineer at IWACO in Indonesia and India. I started my career as Civil Engineer/Public Health Engineer in Tanzania and Comoro Islands through the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT, Nairobi). 

See my elaborate Curriculum Vitae in English and in French.

Heemskerkstraat 8

2613 AL Delft

The Netherlands

NL: +31 6 57 99 78 74

SKYPE: jan.spit.delft

KvK: 901 43 566